Interracial Passions

Interracial Passions
Expert Editor Review
Overall Rating:
2.1 Stars
2.1 /5.0

Editor`s Star Ratings

Ease of Use / Navigation
2 Stars

Active Members
2 Stars

3 Stars

Value for Money
2 Stars

Chance of Getting a Date
1.5 Stars


Interracial Passions is our #10 choice for interracial dating and is a part of the Passions Network, which has more than 250 such niche networking sites for dating. It is a hundred percent free site, where members belonging to any other site that forms part of the Passions Network can also add this site to their existing account. They can enjoy a hundred percent access to all the features present on the site.


  • Free Member is Able to Use Most of Features
  • Paid Membership
    • $4.95 every month

Joining as a free member

In addition, a new member can also register using his or her Facebook account. New members can join by selecting a user name of their choice, consisting of letters and numbers and give their email id. A verification link is sent to your email and you can click on it. However, the username is valid only for24 hours; so you must finish off the registration process within that time or else select another user name again.

If you wish, you can upgrade the membership to a Network wide one by paying a small fee, $4.95, allowing you to access all the sites with the same account.

Adding a Photo

After joining, you can upload one photo along with a description of yourself for each of the sites added to the account. Profiles that have photos appear first when people search or browse or if they view the ‘Who is Online’ feature. You can also set the photo to Secret, so that non-members cannot view it. This protects the members from casual browsers.


The My Account section has a Groups link, where you can click to join a particular category matching you specifically. This will help people looking for a person like you to find you more easily.

Instant Messages

The IM can be accessed from the relevant link on your profile page found below the photo. You can view the link only if you are logged in as a member and can only send a message to a member who is also online. You can check this out in the ‘Who’s Online’ area.


The site offers a secure internal system for emailing. All emails are sent to this system. You can click on the link in My Account in order to send or to receive a message. You can also activate the Alert feature, so that Alerts are sent to you when you receive an email. However, you can only send ten email messages in a day, the feature being incorporated to protect you from spam. However, if a member is on the friends or favorites list of some other member, it is possible to send unlimited number of messages. If you have added someone on your favorite list, they can also send you unlimited number of emails.


You can search based on all members or a specific category, such as Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Bisexual or just Looking for Friend. An advanced search is also possible, where you have to specify what you are looking for, the weight, age, country, height, location, the country, category of body type – athletic, average, fit, overweight and so on. The search can be easily done, as you only have to select options from a dropdown list.


The Popular feature allows the members to view the most popular books or top websites, best video games, most popular profiles of members viewed on the site and so on.

Forums, Blogs and Videos

Members can create a blog, read the articles of other members’ blogs, post on forums, follow threads and discussions on various topics related to interracial dating. The topics in the forums are well categorized, based on the topics, such as dating ideas, experiences, relationships and broken hearts. There are also many other general topics, related to current events, politics, entertainment, humor and sports, among others. In addition, Members can submit a video or search for a particular one. By submitting a video in the video directory, they can get 5 points, provided the video is accepted. This helps the members to find videos that match their passions.

Free Chat

The chat feature is a hundred percent free feature, whereby Members can access text as well as audio and webcam chatting, twenty-four hours a day and throughout seven days a week.


The site uses an internal emailing system, which protects your external or usual email id from being spammed by messages. In addition to such security features, you can also have a lot of fun at the site viewing the fun videos on interracial dating topics. The site is totally free and once you are a registered member, you can access the photos as well as emailing features, instant messaging, videos, forums, blogs and all other features.


The site seems to have been assembled very hastily and is not aesthetically very appealing .

Editor’s Verdict

Members don’t have to pay any fee to enjoy all the features of the site and they can also upgrade to join the Passions network. The site is recommended for its rich features, blogs, forums, chat rooms and Popular feature, which is a lot for a totally free site.